![]() Elaine Ouston holds a Master of Letters (MLitt) from Central Queensland University, and is a published author of a number of books for children.
She edits and sets up books for self-publishing at Gondor Writers' Centre and organises literary festivals through Australian Literary Festivals and Book Fairs. Visit the website for more information: She is an experienced writing tutor, editor and designer, and has had many recommendations from students for her workshops. See her list of workshops on our workshops page. CONTACT: Phone Elaine on 0417 351 717 or choose the link below to email her. You can see Elaine's books at Read the workshop testimonials here. |
![]() Ron Day holds many university degrees, including a PhD from Central Queensland University, and is a published author of a series of computing text books for use in primary, secondary, and tertiary schools and colleges.
He has had more than 30 years experience in teaching and writing. He has worked as a school and university teacher and with many organisations and companies, writing text books, user manuals, technical reference documents, and learning materials. He is working on his family history, writing it as historic fiction. See his list of workshops on our workshops page. CONTACT: Phone Ron on 0438 350 973 or choose the link below to email him. |