In my haste to put the marketing out for this weekend's workshop, I wrote and posted the post without doing an edit. There were typos in the post.
Sometimes I think that my poor fingers can't keep up with my brain as it tries to do 15 things at once.
Just because people make typos doesn't mean they don't know how to write; and in my case, how to pass on valuable information to others. So please don't judge my skills in passing on information or editing your work on a couple of typos.
Typos occur in all writing. I have never read a manuscript that does not contain them. The important thing is the edit when you are finished. This is where you, hopefully, pick them up. Sometimes they are still missed by the author as we read what we intended to be there. That is why it is so important to have someone else read your work. They will see them were you don’t. Unfortunately, I didn't do this.
Here is the information again (edited)
We all know how hard it is to get your work before a publisher or editor and convince them to read the manuscript that you have slaved over for months or years.
You only have one chance to impress them. The first thing they are going to see is your submission letter, containing your reasons why they should bother to read the story, and your synopsis. If these don't impress them, they will go no further.
Getting them right is not easy.
In our publishing workshop this weekend (Saturday 31st October) we will teach you how to write a convincing submissions letter, how to develop a perfect pitch, and how to write a synopsis that sells your story.
We will also cover your publishing options and the pros and cons of all. The details are below.
October 31st: Publishing. Tutor: Elaine Ouston
We examine all your publishing options and help you create a killer synopsis, perfect pitch, and submission letter.
Course cost: $50 From 10 am to 3 pm.
To book phone 07 54 981 332 or go to