April 11th: Tutor Ron Day
Workshop: Using Similes and Metaphors
Memorable writing often makes use of figures of speech such as similes and metaphors. If fresh and original they can lift description, add interest to any writing, and make it sparkle. This workshop will show you how it's done.
Course cost: $50 One day—10am to 4pm
We already have some bookings, and space is limited, so if anyone wants to book, I suggest they do it now. I have included the rest of the April workshops in case someone missed seeing them.
April 18th: Tutor Elaine Ouston:
Workshop: Plotting your story:
This workshop will cover the importance of structure. It doesn’t matter if you are a ‘plotter’ or a ‘pantser’ this workshop will help make sure your story flows and doesn’t go off track.
Course cost: $50 One day—10am to 4pm
APRIL 25th & 26th: Tutor Sheryl Gwyther
Sheryl Gwyther is an award-winning author and experienced writing workshop presenter for children and adults.
Two day workshop—10am to 4pm
Workshop: Day one: Crafting unforgettable characters
Story characters underpin their story’s plot – if not fully developed they’re like paper-dolls. This hands-on workshop will include:
* How to create new engaging, believable characters using visual stimuli.
* Increase the complexity, vulnerability an appeal of your own story’s protagonist; and the effective use of your antagonist.
* Explore ways to use minor characters.
Workshop: Day Two: Writing successful short stories
In this workshop, you will take yesterday's characters and write a short story about them.
This practical workshop will help:
* Find a story idea. * Improve your writing skills. * Draft and edit your story.
Cost: $160. 2 days 10am to 4pm
For more information go to http://www.gondorwriterscentre.com/workshops.html
For bookings, phone 07 54 981 332 or use the booking form on the website.