![]() An exciting and different school holiday program at the Gondor Writers' Centre for the September holidays. A CHOICE OF TWO WORKSHOPS FOR SEPTEMBER BY ELAINE OUSTON ART: DRAWING AND CLAY SCULPTURE: Wednesday September 26th and October 2nd, 8.30 to 4pm. For children who love art, spend a fun day drawing your character then sculpting them with clay. Kids love to get messy and what better way to do it than sculpting with clay. CREATIVE WRITING: Friday September 28th and October 4th, 8.30 to 4pm. Students will receive fun writing tasks based around story structure, developing a character and story development. Both writing and drawing tasks will be included. Make sure the holidays are not wasted. At Gondor, the kids can learn valuable skills that will help them at school while they have fun. No more bored kids!! A creative child is never bored. Check out our program and get more information on our website. Places are limited and will fill fast. With a diploma in Graphic Art and a Masters Degree in Creative Writing, Elaine Ouston will guide the students in writing and art. She is a published author of several books for children including middle grade novels, chapter and picture books. The program is designed to keep them engaged, having fun, and learning. Book now on the holiday workshop page or phone 54 399 038 or by going to Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/school-hoilday-workshops-in-art-and-writing-tickets-49203094781 More details at http://www.gondorwriterscentre.com/school-hoilday-programs.html CREATIVE WRITING: Greenleaf Press Sunny Kids Camps: Full day writing camp with Aleesah Darlison. September 24th, 8.30 to 4pm: Enjoy a full day writing camp with one of Australia's most popular children's authors, Aleesah Darlison, working in a tutorial/class environment with one-on-one time throughout the day plus instructions and advice in writing. For children aged 7 – 15 years. ALL NEW WORKSHOP TOPICS! Book now on the holiday workshop page or phone 54 399 038 or at https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/sunny-kids-writing-camps-september-2018-school-holidays-tickets-48306555207 More details at http://www.gondorwriterscentre.com/school-hoilday-programs.html The next WRITERS' BOOTCAMP will be held July 27th, 28th and 29th
Polish your writing until it shines with an appraisal, intensive workshops, and personal interviews. Turn that work-in-progress into a masterpiece. This 2 + days of workshops and interviews take you through all the things a publisher’s editor will be looking for and helps you polish the story until it shines. In this intensive workshop, we will examine the technical aspects of your manuscript to make sure they are doing their job and equip you with tools and techniques to support your story and turn it into an exciting narrative. Prerequisite: Please send the first 10 pages of your manuscript for an appraisal so I can let you know what you need to focus on during the weekend. Manuscripts must be in by June 30th. Go to the workshop's page for more details. IT'S YOUR CHOICE! We are putting together the workshops for the second half of the year and would love your feedback on what you would like to attend. Either copy and paste the questionnaire below, fill it in and send it back, or go to the website page: http://www.gondorwriterscentre.com/questionnaire.html Fill in the form and submit. Name: Email Address: You choose! Questionnaire: What is the style or genre of your writing? What writing workshops do you want? Who would you like to present it / them? What would you like to be included? Appraisal: Yes / No Exercises: Yes / No Examples of subject: Yes / No Other: Do you want to do workshops on illustration? Who do you want to do the workshop? Do you prefer one day workshops or two? What is the best time for a workshop for you? Week days: Yes / No Weekends: Yes / No Saturday: Yes / No Sunday: Yes / No Evening: Yes / No MAY WORKSHOPS: DATE CHANGE: NOW SATURDAY MAY 26TH THE IMPORTANCE OF SETTING - Tutor Elaine Ouston When we read a novel with a graphic description of the setting, we are transported to that place. If the description is too brief, then we have no idea what physical situation our characters are in and we lose interest. If it is too long we bore the reader. The use of our 5 senses is also very important to create a sense of place. In this workshop, you will be given examples of how to find that perfect balance and exercises on creating a setting that transports us to the place. Date: Saturday May 26th Time: 10 am to 3 pm Where: Gondor Writers’ Centre, 19 Caloundra St, Landsborough. Cost: $60 http://www.gondorwriterscentre.com/the-importance-of-setting.html PAGE LAYOUT DESIGN FOR PAPER OR SCREEN - with Dr Ron Day Extensive research has shown us the best ways to use text, graphics and other visual elements to aid clear comprehension of information. Those rules will be explored as they relate to visual media including website design, print for books, newsletters, brochures and advertisements. Date: Saturday May 19th Time: 10am to 3pm Where: Gondor Writers’ Centre, 19 Caloundra St, Landsborough. Cost: $60 http://www.gondorwriterscentre.com/layout-design.html We are excited to welcome romance writer, Sarah Williams to Gondor. Sarah is running a series of exciting and different writing workshops at Gondor over the next few months. Check them out on her page by selecting the image above.
Check out our other exciting presenters on our workshop page. http://www.gondorwriterscentre.com/workshops.html
Are you booked for this vital workshop?
DEVELOPING BELIEVABLE CHARACTERS - April 7th & 8th Developing strong, believable characters that your reader either loves or hates ... depending on your intention, is vital. Many writers make the mistake of having characters who are not developed well enough and too similar to each other. Humans are not the same; we are all multidimensional beings. You must know your character as well as you know yourself. Nothing turns your reader off like flat and unbelievable characters. This workshop examines the great characters in books and explores what makes them that way. We will also examine the many personality types we meet and show you how to portray them effectively. For crime and mystery writers, the character workshop includes an examination of criminal types and what drives them to commit crimes. 2 DAY INTENSIVE WORKSHOP You can book for one day or two. Dates: Saturday, April 7th and Sunday April 8th Time: 10am to 3pm Where: Gondor Writers’ Centre, 19 Caloundra St, Landsborough. Cost: $120 http://www.gondorwriterscentre.com/developing-characters.html OTHER APRIL WORKSHOPS: STRENGTHENING YOUR WRITING - 2 x 3 hour workshops - The use of word pictures, metaphors and similes, show not tell, and the ability to create rising tension are all important tools. How to use these tools and many others to create and improve your masterpiece is covered in this workshop. We will look at their use in popular fiction and do exercises on improving our ability to use them. Dates: Wednesday, April11th Wednesday April 18th Time: 9.30am to 12.30pm Where: Gondor Writers’ Centre, 19 Caloundra St, Landsborough. Cost: $80 http://www.gondorwriterscentre.com/strengthening-your-writing.html WRITING CRIME FICTION - Saturday April 14th - Tutor Dr Ron Day Many of us enjoy a crime novel and writing one can be just as much fun. This genre requires the creation of colourful characters, the development of a twisting and turning storyline, the laying down of false clues and a final scene with a real twist. We will examine characters in popular crime novels and explore why they are so well loved. We will look at the personality of criminals and what drives them to commit crimes. Building tension and planting false clues is vital in this genre. We will look at effective ways to do that. Date: Saturday April 14th Time: 10am to 3pm Where: Gondor Writers’ Centre, 19 Caloundra St, Landsborough. Cost: $60 WRITING FOR THE EDUCATIONAL MARKET - April 25th - Tutor Dr Ron Day Writing for the educational market requires special knowledge and skills. In particular you need to be able to express complex ideas in simple language. This course will help you develop skills to produce learning materials for any age, no matter whether you are planning to develop instructional design materials, text books, learning guides, teaching notes or academic papers and theses. Dates: Wednesday, April 25th Time: 9.30am to 12.30pm Where: Gondor Writers’ Centre, 19 Caloundra St, Landsborough. Cost: $40 DIGITAL ILLUSTRATION - April 28th Want to know the secret of Muza Ulasowski's amazing illustrations, created using a digital art program? In this workshop she will take us step-by-step through the process and show us how to use the digital program she uses, Artrage. Muza has mastered the use of the art program using her Wacom drawing tablet and will share with you how she builds her drawings using the tools and layers and adding the minute detail that makes her art exceptional. As she works, she will explain each step while you watch her creating her masterpiece on the screen behind her. You can bring your laptop and Wacom tablet, if you have one, or a touch-screen laptop, tablet or iPad to join in. Artrage is available for iPads or phones and can be used with a stylus or finger on all touch screen devices. Dates: Saturday April 28th Time: 10am to 3pm Where: Gondor Writers’ Centre, 19 Caloundra St, Landsborough. Cost: $95.Don't miss the exciting new workshops by guest presenters: Picture Books with Aleesah Darlison on May 12th. Go to the website for more details on the program up to June: http://www.gondorwriterscentre.com/workshops.html Can't make it on weekends? Now you can join us for Wednesday Workshops - we are now running 2 hour workshops on a Wednesday, day and night sessions, to make it easier for some of our attendees who are busy weekends. The Saturday workshops will continue and you will find new subjects in those. Go to the Workshop page and follow the link under each one to find more details. http://www.gondorwriterscentre.com/workshops.html
Our scriptwriting presenter, Ben Marshall has moved to Tasmania, but he is still willing to come back to do our workshop next weekend. But we must let him know Monday if we have enough people to make it worthwhile.
If you want to get your book on the big screen this is one not to miss. Ben has spent 20 years as a TV scriptwriter so knows the industry backwards. As well as showing us how to turn our story into a script, he will also tell us how to pitch our story to TV and Movie producers. Make his trip back to Queensland worthwhile. Book now! Go to http://www.gondorwriterscentre.com/scriptwriting.html to hear a video interview with Ben, get more details and make your booking. Many writers are confused about point of view when they start writing. When we talk about point of view, we basically mean the perspective from which the story is told. Who are we listening to when we read the story? Whose head are we in? Whose eyes are we watching the story through?
Point of view isn’t merely another writing craft technique. Point of view is the foundation upon which great fiction rests. Marcy Kennedy gives us 7 reasons why mastering point of view is essential: Reason #1 – Well-executed point of view allows the reader to experience (and participate in) a situation that they could never have been part of, or might never want to be part of, in real life. Consistent and skilled use of POV not only allows us to live vicariously, but also gives us the opportunity to examine ourselves and think about whether we would have made the same choices as the characters. In other words, we become participants in two senses of the word. It engages our emotions and our minds. Reason #2 – Well-executed point of view builds subtext, as we’re able to contrast what’s happening around the character with what they think about it. We can sort through the difference between reality and perception, the difference between the objective and subjective. Reason #3 – Well-executed point of view sets each character apart, as we see how they uniquely interpret the world around them. Put another way, point of view is the tool we use to create three-dimensional characters. When we don’t understand point of view and when we don’t execute it correctly, we’re very likely to end up with flat, uninteresting characters. Beyond this, as novelists and short story writers, we have an advantage in that we can give our audience that filtered perspective. They can’t receive that from television or movies or plays. Reason #4 – Well-executed point of view controls the flow of information to either create suspense or forward the plot. As authors, how we choose to handle POV determines what we must and can’t show to the reader. As readers, it creates the page-turning excitement as we discover things along with the POV character. Reason #5 – Well-executed point of view encourages showing rather than telling. “Showing” in fiction rather than “telling” is one of the most common pieces of writing advice and also one that a majority of writers struggle to execute. Understanding and writing from a close point of view makes this concept easier because we’re experiencing the story through the eyes of a particular character. Reason #6 – Well-executed point of view helps us decide what description belongs in the story. Many writers buy into the fallacy that description slows a story down. Description doesn’t slow a story down—bad description or description placed where it doesn’t belong slows a story down. When we write with a clear point of view, we’ll know what details are important to include and when is the appropriate time to include them. Reason #7 – Well-executed point of view shows us when to include backstory and when to explain details about our world and setting or about the way something works. How much or how little to explain these elements to readers becomes a stumbling block for many writers. When we have a clear POV, we’ll know to include it only when the POV character would naturally be thinking about it or noticing it. In Saturday's workshop, we will simplify the choice by explaining the advantages and disadvantages of each one and showing you how they work. We'll do exercises on writing a scene from each point of view to help you understand the difference. You can work on a scene from your story or on an exercise we give you. Dates: Saturday March 10th Time: 10am to 3pm Where: Gondor Writers’ Centre, 19 Caloundra St, Landsborough. http://www.gondorwriterscentre.com/point-of-view.html LAST CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY.
Book before February 3rd and save 10% on the WRITERS' BOOTCAMP, February 23rd, 24th and 25th. The first 10 bookings will go in a draw to win their money back and get the weekend Free! Start your writing year off the right way with these intensive workshops and personal interviews. They will get you writing and help you shape your work-in-progress into an exciting narrative. Here is your chance to have an appraisal followed by workshops that will help you improve any weaknesses found in your manuscript. Because of the personal attention each attendee will get, places are limited. Book early so you don't miss out. Prerequisite: Please send the first 10 pages of your manuscript for an appraisal so I can let you know what you need to focus on during the weekend. Manuscripts must be in by February 10th. Full details, including the program for the weekend, are on the website. http://www.gondorwriterscentre.com/writers-bootcamp.html Next Wednesday, January 31st is the start of our workshops for 2018.
A good way to get started writing is to start with short stories. Most writers started this way. To help you with this we are running a series of 2-hour workshops covering all the technical aspects of writing that you will need to excel. These workshops will help you no matter what you are writing. The first workshop is on a subject that confuses most writers: Point of View. INTRODUCTION TO SHORT SHORY: The course will introduce writers to the craft of short fiction. We will be examining the structure that makes a short story powerful. Topics covered will be: Week one: Wednesday, January 31st - 10am to 12.30pm Point of view: New writers are often baffled when trying to choose a point of view for their stories and novels. In this workshop will look at the pitfalls and benefits of them all and help you discover the right one for your story. Week two: Wednesday, 7th February - 10am to 12.30pm Plotting, Themes and Setting: In a short story you don't have many scenes to tell your story so plotting those scenes carefully is vital. Succinct and interesting setting description will transport your reader to the world of your story. We will examine the way we can use setting to add mood to the story. Week 3: Wednesday, 14th February -10am. to 12.30pm Realistic and Engaging Characters: Characters make the story. Many characters in short stories are flat. They don't have to be that way. We will look at ways to make them believable and memorable even though you have limited words to introduce them. Week 4: Wednesday, 21st February - 10am to 12.30pm Rising tension and A twist in the tale: What will make your reader stayed glued to the pages until the end? Tension. We examine the six key things that will help you achieve that. This is a practical, hands-on course where writers will be experimenting with different ways to use each element. You can book for all or just the subjects that interest you. Format: Course for beginners Where: Gondor Writers’ Centre, 19 Caloundra St, Landsborough. Cost: $40 per day or $140 for all workshops. Book online: http://www.gondorwriterscentre.com/introduction-to-short-story.html What else is new? Exciting new workshops by guest presenters plus much more. See below. Kick start your 2018 writing journey with a Writers' Boot Camp February 23rd, 24th and 25th. These 2 plus days of intensive workshops, and a manuscript appraisal and interview will help you get on track for an exciting year of writing success. Start your writing year off the right way. They will get you writing and help you shape your work-in-progress into an exciting narrative. Prerequisite: Please send the first 10 pages of your manuscript for an appraisal so I can let you know what you need to focus on during the weekend. Manuscripts must be in by February 10th. Book before February 3rd and receive a 10% discount on fees. Turn that work-in-progress into a masterpiece. This 2 + days of workshops and interviews takes you through all the things a publisher’s editor will be looking for and helps you polish the story till it shines. Accommodation is available if required. This is a hands-on course for all writers. You will be working on a work-in-progress and go away with ways to make it sing. Follow the link to find more details. http://www.gondorwriterscentre.com/writers-bootcamp.html Don't miss the exciting new workshops by guest presenters: Workshops in Scriptwriting with TV scriptwriter Ben Marshall, digital illustration with Muza Ulasowski and Picture Books with Aleesah Darlison. See the website for more details: http://www.gondorwriterscentre.com/workshops.html Another change for 2018 is Wednesday Workshops - we are now running 2 hour workshops on a Wednesday, day and night sessions, to make it easier for some of our attendees who are busy weekends. The Saturday workshops will continue and you will find new subjects in those. Go to the Workshop page and follow the link under each one to find more details. http://www.gondorwriterscentre.com/workshops.html LOCATION: 19 Caloundra St, Landsborough, Queensland The venue is conveniently located just a 5 minute stroll from the nearest railway station, minutes from the Bruce Highway and only 20 minutes from the Sunshine Coast and North Brisbane. |
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