by Vicki Griffin
Can you help solve the mystery of the BIG boot hanging on Nana's veranda? A fun adventure holiday in the country for a group of teens.
Picture book 24 pages in full colour.
See the review by Jackie French below.
by Vicki Griffin
Can you help solve the mystery of the BIG boot hanging on Nana's veranda? A fun adventure holiday in the country for a group of teens.
Picture book 24 pages in full colour.
See the review by Jackie French below.
PDF $7.99
Books on the Wind By Jackie French (children's author.)
Mostly I find books mooching around the shop after sessions at bookshops or literary festivals, often with a book lover next to me urging, ‘You HAVE to read this. It’s fabulous! Oh look, there’s a new Shaun Tan. Stunning!’ And it always is. But in the last few weeks, two books have arrived via my email, neither from major publishers, but the work of the authors themselves. And they are lovely, the kind of book where I wish my grandson was next to my desk so I could share them with him. (Actually I wish this often – and not just when I have books to share.) The first was Nanna's Boot Camp by Vicki Griffin, and I love it. Nanna – who I suspect is based on a very real Nanna indeed, is indigenous, and her ‘boot camp’ is not the ‘sweat and 500 push ups’ kind you expect. The book is is gentle and warm and lovable and a delight. So I am very, very biased indeed. But also grateful that the winds of e-mail landed two books on my desk that I probably would never have found in bookshops. Jackie French |