Gondor Writers' Centre will be conducting writing workshops starting soon. Guest presenters will be invited to take some of these workshops.
The first of our guest presenters for the year is Kevin Burgemeestre. Kevin is coming to Brisbane to launch his new novel, Kate, and has graciously agreed to conduct a workshop while he is here.
Check out the course details below.
Don't know Kevin or his work? Check out his profile here. http://www.gondorwriterscentre.com/our-team---illustration-and-cover-art.html
DATE: March 1st & 2nd
TIME: 10 am to 12 noon – 1pm to 3pm
VENUE: The Memorial Hall Caboolture
Create a story in four panels
A 2 day story workshop in words and pictures
Day 1: Getting it Write: Developing a story idea in parts.
Show some character:
What makes your character an individual? We will workshop their gender, size, characteristics and dress. We will also explore how they speak or what sounds they make.
Exploring a dramatic arc:
After your character is found tension will be essential to a story. What challenge does your character face? We will think about obstacles and what particular trait your character possesses that could help overcome their challenge.
What event or scene would show the reader/viewer how the character is facing or overcoming the challenge you pose. We will investigate how your character is coping. We will think about ploys to surprise your audience and encourage them to be an active part of imagining the tale.
Grey lead pencils, biros and pads, dazzling ideas.
Day 2: Picture That: Illustrating Your Story in four panels
Getting down and dirty with illustration.
Visualise your tale in four illustrations:
Just as though we are making a movie, we’ll develop a story board to demonstrate how images will tell your story and how to use expressions, body language, and gestures to communicate what characters are feeling.
We will ensure each panel reveals new information and demonstrate how to use composition and cropping in a frame to show viewers exactly what you wish to communicate.
It’s Behind You:
We’ll explore how background and setting can support your story.
Charcoal, fixative, scissors and glue sticks, imagination, & fearlessness.
Warning; there will be much laughter.
Bookings are essential. This is a hands-on workshop so places are limited. To avoid disappointment, book early. Cost 2 days for $200. Payment must be made at time of booking.
Phone Elaine on 54 981 332, email [email protected] or choose the PayPal button on the WORKSHOP LIST page.
While you’re there, check out the other workshops we will be conducting.