We can do this in a couple of ways.
We can come to your writers' group meetings and do a writing workshop of the group's choice.
Or we can find a local venue in your area and hold workshops there.
We need help to do the latter. If you know of a reasonably priced venue in your area that would be suitable, please let me know.
Talk to your writing group at the next meeting and let me know if any of the members are interested.
A list of the workshops available is on the website. http://www.gondorwriterscentre.com/workshops.html
First group to take us up on this offer was the Noosa Arts and Crafts Centre, Wallace House, 1, Wallace Dr, Noosaville. We will be running the following workshops there:
As a prelude to a short story writing competition, Noosa Arts and Crafts are offering a short story workshop: Saturday March 19th from 9am to 4pm.
Story plan:
To write any story, no matter how long, the following list of subjects is important. But in a short story, you don't have much time or many words to get your message across or tell your tale. We will examine ways to make your short story memorable.
We will cover:
1. The building blocks of a story
2. Character development
3. How to keep your reader engaged
4. How to end with a memorable twist
The workshop will include a writing exercise and handouts to help you build your competition story.
Four week writing course for beginners and advanced writers.
Dates and times: Each Wednesday afternoon, 1pm to 4 pm from May 4th to May 25th.
Week 1. Turning your idea into a story
We will explore the building blocks that make a compelling story that no one can put down. Workshop includes establishing the best point of view for your story, the importance of setting, and how to add excitement, depth, and intrigue.
Week 2. Creating memorable characters
We examine ways to develop strong, believable characters that your reader either loves or hates ... depending on your intention. Many writers make the mistake of having characters that are too similar to each other and not well enough developed. Humans are not the same; we are multidimensional beings. While some people may have one or two similarities, we also have several different beliefs and habits. We examine personality types and learn how to develop them into interesting characters.
Week 3. Creating a wondrous setting
When we read a novel with a graphic description of the setting, we are transported to that place. If the description is too brief, then we have no idea what physical situation our characters are in and we lose interest. The use of our 5 senses is very important to create a sense of place. In this workshop, you will be given examples of how that is done and exercises on creating a setting that transports us to the place.
Week 4. Plotting your story
This workshop will cover the importance of structure. It doesn’t matter if you are a ‘plotter’ or a ‘pantser’ this workshop will help make sure your story flows, doesn’t go off track and keeps your reader hooked from start to finish.
All the workshops will include writing exercises and handouts to help you build your story.
Book now by emailing Noosa Arts and Crafts: [email protected]
Or by phoning Jean on 07 54 74 1211.
Gondor will still be used as a venue for workshops. Our program will include one day and weekend workshops and will be released soon.
More information on the workshops can be found at http://gondorwriterscentre.com
Elaine and Ron